Front of line to end of line, our sensors, grippers, carbon fiber components, finger tooling and suction cup solutions lead the industry.
We are the intelligent handlers that move parts through space to make your metal stamping operations world-class.
Our expertise in tri-axis, crossbar and tandem press line material handling is unparalleled.
We want you to have the resources you need to help you select and order the best products, quickly and efficiently.
We are proud of our long history, and the same entrepreneurial spirit that drove our founder is still alive today, driving our continued focus on innovation and excellence.
Recent trends in vehicle manufacturing found automotive stampers faced with the need to process increasingly thicker blanks while working within smaller size constraints.
Our double blank detection sensors prevent damage to dies and presses by detecting multiple blanks during the load sequence. Contact-style sensors detect multiple blanks in the loading process, allowing early rejection and removal.
The newest Norgren double blank analyzer, (EDBA) are EtherNet/IP capable, while still maintaining the industry's fastest response times and most durable system!
Norgren's wide range of DBA controllers are able to detect a wide range of materials and with varying thickness ranges. Choose between Pass-Thru or Contact Style controllers to optimize your material measurement needs.
Our DBA Sensors come in a large variety of sizes and thickness measurement ranges to provide your business with enhanced security and measurement flexibility.
Norgren's DBA line includes an all-comprehensive collection of cables and accessories to optimize your material thickness measuring needs.
Contact our product team on 1-800-272-4511 or at to find out more, or fill out our online inquiry form below.
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